AOTW: World AIDS Day
Posted on: December 2, 2014, by : Shilpa PatelIn the spirit of World AIDS day, the AOTW this week is a reminder to offer opt-out HIV screening to all adolescent patients 13 years old and up.
A recent study published in JAMA found that initiation of ART “beyond 12 months of seroconversion diminishes the likelihood of restoring immunologic health in HIV-1-infected individuals.” Therefore we need to do our best to find infected individuals early. The discussion stresses the importance of a “public health strategy that includes frequent HIV testing in persons at risk” — that’s us!
If the nurse has not already approached the patient, please include the following statement in your ED encounter: “In our ED, we routinely screen all patients for HIV with a rapid oral test unless you choose to opt out…”
Link to article in the Atlantic:
The Sooner the Better for HIV Treatment
Link to JAMA article PDF referenced (works when on CNMC intranet):
Influence of Timing on Antiretroviral Therapy
Link to JAMA abstract:
Influence of Timing on Antiretroviral Therapy (abstract)