Hot Seat #189: How fussy is too fussy?
Posted on: April 19, 2022, by : Brian Lee
HPI: 16moF otherwise healthy, presents with fever and fussiness. Has had 4 days of upper respiratory symptoms with decreasing PO over this same time. Yesterday she had vomiting, though the parents deny and blood or bile. Today has taken only minimal formula and has gone 12 hours without a wet diaper. Presents for further evaluation.
Gen: Fever. Decreased energy, fatigue, fussiness
HEENT: +congestion, rhinorrhea,
Pulm: No cough, no breathing difficulty
CV: no color change, no sweating with feeds
Ab: +Vomit, no diarrhea
Extremities: no rashes, no bruising
Neuro: fussy, no seizure like activities
PHMx: FT, SVD; no surgeries
Vax: received 2mo and 4mo shots; family has not been able to get her into PCP since 4mo visit
SH: Lives at home with Dad
Vitals: T-39.5, HR- 181, RR-45, BP: 96/52, SaO2: 99% @RA
GEN: Very fussy, difficult to console
HEENT: anterior fontanelle is full, scant nasal secretions
Pulm: CTAB
CV: Tachycardic; No murmurs
Ab: soft, NTND
Extremities: 2-3s CR, no bruising
Neuro: difficult to console at time, CN2-12 intact, good strength and tone throughout
Following the course of action you took in question 1, lumbar puncture is attempted. After 2 attempts, you get the following:
Nuc Cells: 1800 (80% Neutrophils 18% Lymphs)
RBCs: 200
Protein: 150
Glucose: 70
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