Jason Woods MD, Children’s National Health System with Kathy Brown MD, Children’s National Health System The Case 3-year-old previously healthy male presents with fatigue for the past few days. Mother reports that ~2 weeks ago he was ill with fever and sore throat, symptoms resolved without workup or specific treatment. For the last several days […]
Author: Jason Woods MD
Ultrasound Evaluation of Right Lower Quadrant Mass
A 5 year old previously healthy male presents to the ED for abdominal pain and fever. The pain reportedly began 6 weeks ago. The onset was sudden, focal in the RLQ, and was associated with persistent fevers to 102. He was seen by his PCP who initially diagnosed him with constipation, and started polyethylene glycol. […]
EM/HM Conference: Febrile Infant Take Home Points
by Jason Woods (EM) and Abbey Nerlinger (HM), Children’s National Febrile Infant take home points: – There is large ED inter-hospital variation in care among febrile neonates/infants with minimal effect on hospital revisits and readmissions according to recent study in pediatrics – Philadephia, Rochester, Boston criteria are more or less applicable depending on age of […]
Hot Seat #45: 4yo F with edema
by Jason Woods, Children’s National with Pavan Zaveri, Children’s National The Case 4 year-old no PMH p/w with concern for “allergic reaction”. She awoke this morning with swelling and a red rash involving bilateral eyelids. +pruritis. Denies stridor, wheezing, emesis. Has no know allergic history and no new exposures. Her mother called her PCP this […]