Author: Jeremy Root

Jeremy grew up in Burke (Northern VA). He spent one year of bench research in infectious diseases at the NIH before stops in Cleveland for medical school and in Pittsburgh for residency. His research interests include abscess management post I & D and acute concussion management. He enjoys triathlons, board games and taking advantage of DC's outdoor activities.

Hot Seat Case # 111: 9 y/o M with acute neck swelling

Jeremy Root, MD Children’s National Medical Center with Emily Willner, MD Children’s National Medical Center 9 y/o previously healthy male visiting from North Dakota with neck swelling. He was seen at an OSH ED in the morning for R jaw and ear pain. Flu and strep swabs were negative, so he was given Zofran for […]

Hot Seat Case #98 Denouement: 3 yo F with Hypoxemia

Jeremy Root, Children’s National Medical Center The Case: 3 year-old female presenting with respiratory distress and hypoxemia requiring increasing support. However, the patients mother would not allow more than blow by oxygen which ultimately transitioned to a ventimask at 30% FiO2 after several conversations by the provider. The patient’s hypoxemia continued to worsen, concerning the […]

Hot Seat Case # 98: 3 year old female with hypoxemia

Jeremy Root, MD Children’s National Medical Center with Rosemary Thomas-Mohtat, MD Children’s National Medical Center 3 year-old female presenting with respiratory distress. Mother reports patient has had cough and rhinorrhea x 1 day. Due to worsening respiratory symptoms, she presented to your ED where she was febrile to 101F and hypoxemic. In triage, she required […]

Ultrasound Evaluation of Abdominal Trauma in a Teenager

Case: A 17 year-old male presented to the ED after abdominal trauma. Prior to arrival, the patient was hit with a lacrosse stick to the right side of his back during a game.  He felt immediate pain to his right flank and was removed from the game.  He was taken to an outside hospital where […]

Hot Seat Case #94 Denouement: 2 y/o F with fever & leukocytosis

Jeremy Root MD, Children’s National Medical Center The Case: A 2 year old presents with viral symptoms and an impressive leukocytosis. Here’s How You Answered Our Questions: Discussion: The poll results for this case indicated relative agreement amongst respondents, with most opting for further workup of the leukocytosis, but ultimately discharge home if the results […]