Jeremy Root, MD Children’s National Medical Center with Emily Willner, MD Children’s National Medical Center 9 y/o previously healthy male visiting from North Dakota with neck swelling. He was seen at an OSH ED in the morning for R jaw and ear pain. Flu and strep swabs were negative, so he was given Zofran for […]
Author: Jeremy Root
Hot Seat Case #98 Denouement: 3 yo F with Hypoxemia
Jeremy Root, Children’s National Medical Center The Case: 3 year-old female presenting with respiratory distress and hypoxemia requiring increasing support. However, the patients mother would not allow more than blow by oxygen which ultimately transitioned to a ventimask at 30% FiO2 after several conversations by the provider. The patient’s hypoxemia continued to worsen, concerning the […]
Hot Seat Case # 98: 3 year old female with hypoxemia
Jeremy Root, MD Children’s National Medical Center with Rosemary Thomas-Mohtat, MD Children’s National Medical Center 3 year-old female presenting with respiratory distress. Mother reports patient has had cough and rhinorrhea x 1 day. Due to worsening respiratory symptoms, she presented to your ED where she was febrile to 101F and hypoxemic. In triage, she required […]
Ultrasound Evaluation of Abdominal Trauma in a Teenager
Case: A 17 year-old male presented to the ED after abdominal trauma. Prior to arrival, the patient was hit with a lacrosse stick to the right side of his back during a game. He felt immediate pain to his right flank and was removed from the game. He was taken to an outside hospital where […]
Hot Seat Case #94 Denouement: 2 y/o F with fever & leukocytosis
Jeremy Root MD, Children’s National Medical Center The Case: A 2 year old presents with viral symptoms and an impressive leukocytosis. Here’s How You Answered Our Questions: Discussion: The poll results for this case indicated relative agreement amongst respondents, with most opting for further workup of the leukocytosis, but ultimately discharge home if the results […]