Jeremy Root MD, Children’s National Medical Center with Karen O’Connell MD, Children’s National Medical Center The Case: 2 year-old female referred from an outside hospital with tactile temps x 2 weeks and elevated white count. The patient began coughing yesterday and had five episodes of non-bloody, non-bilious, post-tussive emesis. She also had associated fevers with […]
Author: Jeremy Root
Jeremy grew up in Burke (Northern VA). He spent one year of bench research in infectious diseases at the NIH before stops in Cleveland for medical school and in Pittsburgh for residency. His research interests include abscess management post I & D and acute concussion management. He enjoys triathlons, board games and taking advantage of DC's outdoor activities.
Hot Seat #80: 18 yo F with acute vision loss
Jeremy Root, Children’s National Medical Center with Asha Payne, Children’s National Medical Center The Case 18 year-old previously healthy female presents to the ED with vision loss in her right eye. The patient says she developed visual changes in the superior aspect of her right eye two hours prior to presentation. She describes complete loss […]
Hot Seat # 71: 17 yo F w/ subacute neurologic changes in setting of recent IVIG infusion
Jeremy Root MD, Children’s National Health System With Sabrina Guse MD, Children’s National Health System The Case 17 year-old female with a history of POTS and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome presents to the ED with headache, lower back pain, weakness, and inability to talk for one week. Mother says patient was seen by her cardiologist three weeks […]