Author: Kaynan Doctor

Kaynan is interested in medical education, after-hours nurse telephone triage systems, and ED referrals as well as anything technological that can facilitate care in the ED. His favorite quote is "I think there’s an app for that." In his spare time he enjoys cooking, exercise, traveling, calligraphy, ‘Doctor Who' and finding novel ways to entertain his rambunctious 2 year-old daughter.

Hot Seat #47: 2 week old F w/ tachypnea and retractions

by Kaynan Doctor, Children’s National with Desiree Seevaye, Children’s National The Case 2 week old female presenting with her mother for tachypnea and retractions. Mom reports that for the past 4 days she has been increasingly more congested and has been grunting when sleeping. In the last 2 days there has been intermittent choking with […]

Cranial Ultrasound

by Kaynan Doctor Children’s National 2 month old previously healthy male presenting to the ED with altered mental status. For the past 2 days his mother has noticed “eye rolling” with reduced tracking as well as increased fatigue. On the day prior to arriving his mother noted that he slept for 23 hours. No recent […]