Author: Michael Hrdy

Mike grew up in the DC area and is thrilled to be able to return for fellowship. His research interests include trauma, global health and resuscitation. Outside of work, he enjoys running, hiking and candy making.

Hot Seat #139: 6 wk M with failure to thrive

Michael Hrdy, MD with Sam Zhao, MD. Children’s National Medical Center HPI: A 6 week old full-term male presents to the ED as a referral from the primary care doctor due to failure to thrive, lethargy, and abnormal newborn screen. Mom was initially called to bring the baby to the primary care physician due to […]

Hot Seat #130: 3mo with concern for seizure

Mike Hrdy, MD with Mike Quinn, MD, Children’s National Medical Center HPI: 3mo ex full term male presents with concern for seizure. While resting on a playmat, his father noted that the patient was lying stiff and staring off at the ceiling. The patient did not seem to be responding and had lip movements that […]

Hot Seat Case #122: 10 day old with rapid breathing

Mike Hrdy, MD Children’s National Medical Center with Rosemary Thomas, MD Children’s National Medical Center HPI: 10 day old full-term female presents with a chief complaint of rapid breathing. Symptoms started two days ago with some fussiness and breathing that seemed faster than usual. The day prior to presentation the parents took the patient to […]

Hot Seat Case #105: 17 year old intoxicated female

Michael Hrdy, MD Children’s National Medical Center with Asha Payne, MD Children’s National Medical Center You received sign-out from the overnight ED provider about a 17yo F who was under arrest,. The patient was brought in shortly before shift change. The patient was found driving a car and believed to be under the influence of […]