Mordechai Raskas MD, Children’s National Health System with Kristen Breslin MD, Children’s National Health System The Case 8 day old former FT male patient presents due to a rectal temperature at home of 99.6. Parents checked as patient felt warm. Upon arrival to the ED had a temp of 37.9 C (100.2 F). The baby was appropriately dressed […]
Author: Mordechai Raskas
Mordechai is interested in informatics and using the EMR to improve patient care and the physician training process. He has done research on changing the handoff process through technology. He is the trainee liaison to COCIT, the AAP's health IT group. When not working, Mordechai enjoys hiking and everything outdoors and now these activities include his two children tagging along.
EM/HM Conference: Direct Admission Take Home Points
by Mordechai Raskas (EM) and Elena Aragona (HM), Children’s National Direct Admission take home points: Direct Admissions · Nationally: Direct admissions account for ~1 in 4 pediatric hospitalizations. There is wide variation in direct admission processes · Direct admissions can decrease ED volumes and decrease healthcare costs · ~1 in 4 admissions at CNMC are direct; these include […]
Hot Seat #44: 3 yo F s/p appendectomy with fever
by Mordechai Raskas, Children’s National with Dave Mathison, Children’s National The Case 3 year-old female, bounceback to the ED s/p appendectomy 3 days ago, now with fever, poor po intake, headache, and emesis. Tmax 104 F. 4 days prior had been seen in ED and found to have appendicitis by ultrasound. Appendix removed the following […]