Author: Walter Palmer

I grew up in Massachusetts and lived there through medical school. My favorite hobbies are pretty classic New England: traveling, skiing, taking summer trips to the beach, and watching the Patriots win Super Bowls. After med school I moved to Chicago for pediatrics residency and received my master's in public policy. I loved my time there but I'm excited to be back on the East Coast as a fellow here at Children's National! Professionally, I am interested in how public policy influences accidental injuries and toxic exposures in children and the development of clinical guidelines. Outside of work, you can find me buzzing around on an electric scooter exploring DC's monuments, parks, and restaurants.

Hot Seat #179: Denouement

This week’s Hot Seat case focused on an infant with an episode of unresponsiveness at home. And while infants presenting to the emergency department following BRUE-like events are common, the recurrent nature of this patient’s symptoms and association with vomiting warranted further workup. With such a broad differential diagnosis in this case, polling showed a […]

Hot Seat #179: An Unresponsive 7-month-old

Walter Palmer, MD HPI: A 7-month-old ex-36 wk girl presents following an episode of altered mental status.  Patient presents with her mother, who reports that she was in her usual state of health in the morning.  While the mother was holding the patient, she became progressively more tired, and eventually became limp and unresponsive.  She denies abnormal movements […]

Hot Seat #177: Denouement

The Cases: A baby with apnea and for a toddler with a complex febrile seizure. Here’s how you answered: This week we discuss two kids with the same dilemma: Do they need an emergent lumbar puncture? In the first case, we have a baby presenting with concern for an apnea episode at home. Initially, both […]

Hot Seat #177: To LP or Not to LP?

Nichole McCollum, MD, Children’s National Medical Center Patient #1 (AD): 13-week-old ex-26 week infant presents with cough, NBNB post tussive emesis and bradycardia on apnea monitor in the setting of known RSV infection. No fever. No cyanosis. Tolerating PO and normal UOP. Upon arrival to ED, patient is noted to have an apneic episode lasting approximately […]

Hot Seat #176: Denouement

The Case: A 15-year-old with remote history of epidural hematoma and craniotomy presents after a brief loss of consciousness. Here’s how you answered: Our case this week involves a common presentation with a few twists. A 15-year-old boy presents after a brief loss of consciousness without signs of seizure or persistent altered mental status. His […]