Hot Seat #202: Fading Facial Feelings
Posted on: January 19, 2023, by : Walter PalmerBy Dr. Erin Thomas, INOVA Children’s
A 15-year-old previously healthy girl presents with intermittent right facial numbness, difficulty speaking and left arm weakness for the past 3 days. Episodes last about 10 seconds. Also complaining of persistent headache for the past 5 days, with associated nausea and photophobia. On evening of presentation vomited x3, last episode was blood-tinged. Denies head trauma, weight loss, fever, changes in vision, dizziness, or syncope.
+abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, photophobia, weakness. Otherwise negative.
Vitals: HR 88, BP 103/67, RR 24, SpO2 100%, Temp 99.3F, Wt 18.6 kg
General: awake, alert, well appearing
Eyes: PERRL, EOMI, no conjunctival injection or discharge
Heart: RRR, systolic murmur 2/6
Resp: clear to auscultation bilaterally
Neuro: age-appropriate behavior, symmetric facial movements, follows commands, CN 2-12 grossly intact, no focal deficits
CT head w/o contrast: no evidence of acute intracranial abnormality
Given Zofran and Tylenol with improvement in headache and nausea. Neuro exam remains normal.
She was discharged home with Zofran as needed and instructed to follow up with Neurology within the week.
6 days later, she returns to the ED with altered mental status and left arm weakness. Since discharge, has had intermittent fever with waxing and waning left sided weakness. Today, she has new onset altered mental status and left sided weakness all day and has been unable to speak.
Vitals: HR 114, BP 135/73, RR 18, SpO2 99%, Temp 102.2F
General: not distressed but clearly altered, says “mom,” but uses no other words
Head: atraumatic, normocephalic
Eyes: no photophobia, PERRLA, unable to assess extraocular motions
Neck: normal ROM, non-tender, no meningismus
Resp: clear to auscultation, no respiratory distress
Heart: RRR, no murmurs
Neuro: unable to assess gait, AxO x0, follows few basic commands, +left sided facial droop, LUE strength 4/5, RUE strength 5/5, unable to assess lower extremity strength, unable to assess CN
Skin: warm and dry, no rash
CBC: WBC 9.29, Hgb 6.5, Hct 20.3, Plt 13
CMP: Glu 139, BUN 11, Cr 0.9, Na 135, K 3.7, Cl 012, CO2 21, AST 42, ALT 13, Alk Phos 97, Bili 2.2
CRP 1.8, ESR 78
LDH 1491
Uric Acid 9
PT 14.3, INR 1.1, PTT 28, Fibrinogen 395
MRI Brain with/without contrast: limited exam due to presence of metallic orthodontic hardware, within those limitations, evaluation of the brain is within normal limits
Given significant anemia and thrombocytopenia, decision made to defer LP. Given ceftriaxone.
Was this 15 y.o. really only 18.6 kg, or is that a typo?
That was a type. She was 95 kg.