– Under Renovation
Posted on: July 14, 2014, by : Lenore Jarvis MD MEd
Hot Seat Readers,
The Hot Seat will be going on a summer vacation for renovation and upgrading.
We will be back with more cases, a different layout and URL, and other PEM learning tools.
Here’s what we’ve done over the last few years:
Pageviews: Over 13,000
Pageviews: Over 13,000
40 Hot Seat Cases
26 Different attendings on the Hot Seat
199 total comments
3 Institutions (Children’s National, INOVA Fairfax, and Johns Hopkins)
Most frequent participants: Dave Mathison, Paul Mullan, Jennifer Chapman, Dewesh Agrawal, Rasha Sawaya, Sabah Iqbal, Jamil Madati
Future site will include:
Hot Seat
Best Articles
Article of the Week
Potential for Author Profiles/Portfolios
Sky’s the limit! What do you want it to include?
The goal is to have a real-time, user-friendly educational tool.
If you have comments or suggestions, please include them below in the comment section.
Thanks for your participation and check back later this summer for our new look.
Please share your opinions by clicking on “comments” below. It’s easiest if you’re also logging into your gmail account but you can do it without as well. Just select “Name/URL” from the drop down menu, write your name, and click “submit.” You can also post anonymously although this seems less fun. To read posted comments, click on “comments” below and scroll up.
About the Hot Seat. Hot Seat cases are written by PEM fellows at Children’s National, Inova Fairfax, and Johns Hopkins. The Hot Seat Attending is a selected faculty member who comments on the case without knowing the outcome. Emily Willner is the faculty mentor for the series.